The Grants & Programs Unit of
DeKalb County Juvenile Court
DeKalb County Juvenile Court is committed to the rehabilitation of youth within the community by designing and implementing programs to address the specific needs of youth who encounter the juvenile justice system.
The purpose of the grants and program unit is to pursue funding and implement evidence and community-based programs for youth who come in contact with Juvenile Court. The programs are designed to address the current issues youth and families face in the home, school, and community and work to overcome those challenges while providing assistance to parents in dealing with everyday issues. DeKalb County Juvenile Court, in partnership with the parents, school and community will serve to help create positive change in the present and future for our young men and women and ensure they are thriving as law abiding, productive members of our community
The Grants and Programs Unit is comprised of grants administration which includes the Grants and Administrative Manager and the Grants Coordinator and programs led by the Programs Manager.
Grants Administration is responsible for the research, writing, and submission of all grants for the Juvenile Court. It serves as Juvenile Court’s liaison to the county for grant funding and audits; ensure grant funding guidelines are adhered to; expenses are accounted for and reported per the funding agency’s stipulations; and timely expense and programmatic reports. The Grants and Administrative Manager oversees grants administration and program staff and acts as the liaison to the non-profit board, DeKalb County Juvenile Justice Board.
The Programs Manager oversees the Juvenile Program Administrators (JPA’s) who operate Juvenile Court’s accountability/specialty courts and other court programs. JPA’s are assigned to each court initiative to oversee staff, contractors, treatment providers, and develop partnerships with internal departments and community agencies to further their individual areas of expertise. JPA’s are also responsible for their individual program area’s effectiveness and compliance with guidelines and laws and participates in the management of their program budget.
Commitment Alternative Program (CAP)
CAP is an intensive behavioral treatment program that provides evidenced-based treatment aimed at restoring the youth back to the community while holding them accountable for their actions.
Admission Criteria:
- – Ages 13-17 with felony charge
- – Adjudicated for designated felony offense or a Violation of Probation
- – Youth who have been committed to DJJ
- – Youth who have previously been sentenced to Short Term Program
- – Family commitment to the Program
Services Provided: Intensive Supervision; Multisystemic Therapy (MST), Family Functional Therapy (FFT), Thinking for a Change, Aggression Replacement Therapy, educational advocacy, mentoring, and other support.
For more information, contact Mitchell Burley, JPA at 404-294-2477 or [email protected]
INSPIRE Family Treatment Court
INSPIRE Family Treatment Court is a 18-24 month comprehensive program that utilizes a team approach to working with adults with children in DeKalb Family and Children Services (DFAC’s) custody and struggling with drug addiction. Participants will engage in intensive long-term treatment such as Moral Reconation Therapy, Treatment Recovery and Empowerment Model, and Cognitive Behavioral Interventions for Substance Abuse in conjunction with individual and group therapy, accountability through frequent court appearances, observed random drug screenings, and community-based support in order to ensure that their children will achieve timely permanency.
INSPIRE Family Treatment Court will provide the tools needed to break the cycle of addiction, allow children to live safely in their home, reduce the likelihood of relapse, empower parents to successfully address their needs as well as the needs of their child(ren), and build a foundation for a healthy family environment without the snare of addiction.
Referrals will be accepted starting in September 2020.
For more information contact Yolanda Prince, JPA at 404-294-2251 or [email protected]
JOURNEY is the DeKalb County Juvenile Mental Health Court. The purpose of JOURNEY is to create a web of support for program participants and their families through the coordination and facilitation of treatment services provided to youth who have committed a misdemeanor or felony as a result of their mental illness.
Admission Criteria:
- – Females with an Axis I disorder
- – Age 13 to 16 years old
- – Legally competent
- – Misdemeanor or felony offense and awaiting disposition family commitment to the program.
Services Provided: Mental health treatment, case management, life skills, pro-social activities, and educational assistance
For more information, contact Constance Hawkins, JPA at 404-294-2633 or [email protected]
Rebound Drug Court
The DeKalb County Juvenile Court Rebound Program is a voluntary five-phase intervention program for juveniles who are on probation and who are having difficulty staying clean and sober. It is a collaborative effort between the Juvenile Court, District Attorney’s Office, Public Defender’s Office, Probation Department, School System, Treatment Providers and families. The program involves consistent supervision geared toward supporting and helping youth maintain a drug-free life.
Admission Criteria:
- – Males between the ages of 14-16
- – Post adjudication status
- – Admit to alcohol and/or drug involvement
- – Resident of DeKalb County
- – No significant pattern of violence,
- – No prior sex offenses
- – Family commitment to the Program
Services Provided: Family Counseling, Individual Counseling, relapse prevention, alcohol and drug assessments, enrichment Activities, mentorship, and wraparound Services
For more information, contact Mitchell Burley, JPA at 404-294-2477 or [email protected]
Since 1991, over 800 citizen volunteers have been sworn in to serve as Judicial Citizen Review panel members in DeKalb County. Our volunteers represent a cross-section of various racial, socio-economic, religious and educational sectors of a community. Volunteers receive 15 hours of specialized training from the staff of the Council of Juvenile Court Judges and then become sworn officers of the court.
To date, we have approximately 125 active volunteers who serve on 16 different panels. Each panel meets once per month at DeKalb County Juvenile Court to review cases of children in care. Each case must be reviewed by the panel members twice per year. Citizen’s Panel assists judges in determining the most appropriate permanency plan; track the progress every six months in between judicial reviews; measure parent compliance with the case plan and monitor the wellbeing of each child; engage with the family in an informal multi-disciplinary setting where everyone has an opportunity to speak; and, provide resources to families or children that may reduce barriers to reunification and/or available services.
Volunteer Eligibility: Reside or work in DeKalb County, attend orientation and training, ability to be unbiased and non-judgmental, pass background check, and ability to commit to panel dates.
Services Provided: Volunteer hours
For more information contact Olivia Rudder Wilson, JPA at 404-294-2738 or [email protected]
The Community Service Program strives to hold youth accountable for their actions with the hope that we are redirecting their focus on becoming law abiding, productive citizens. In collaboration of caring agencies and organizations, the DeKalb County Juvenile Court Community Service Program has been able to provide quality service to the community and its victims for over 30 years.
Who Can Help?
It is with the help of agencies and organizations throughout DeKalb County that youth are being held accountable, rehabilitated, trained and educated. The Juvenile Court is always looking for volunteers to help with the process. Any agency or organization looking to become a community service site must:
- Be a nonprofit organization
- Provide a safe and non-hazardous work environment
- Accept youth on a non-discriminatory basis
- Provide supervision of youth at all times
- Agree to seek medical attention for youth, if needed
Who Qualifies?
Youth who are required to perform community service hours must meet the following criteria:
- Youth between the ages of 13 to 17 years old
- Reside in DeKalb County
- No adjudications for a sex offense or a serious weapons offense
- No physical or mental disabilities that will prevent them from performing the required hours
- Must have custodial or parental support
For more information contact Rolando Foster, JPA at 404-294-2719 or [email protected]
CROWNED is a 16-week program developed for teen girls to create positive self-images; self-esteem; identify positive role models and character traits; build confidence; establish healthy relationships and boundaries; identify talents and goals; and plan for their future.
Youth Eligibility: Female youth 13 years old and older
Services Provided: Life skills, positive role models, etiquette, physical health, mental health, and college tour
For more information contact Valencia Breedlove, JPA at 404-294-2141 [email protected]
Mediation is an informal process in which the parties are empowered to resolve their own differences with the assistance of a neutral third party. There are two types of Mediation, delinquency and dependency.
Eligibility: Must have a dependency or delinquency case.
With limited exceptions, everything said in mediation is confidential. If a mediator learns of child abuse or threats of physical harm to self or others, the mediator will report this to the appropriate agencies or individuals. If the parties can agree on a solution, the mediator will put the agreement in writing and both parties will abide by the agreement.
Services Provided: Mediation and restitution
For more information, contact Olivia Rudder Wilson, JPA at 404-294-2738 or [email protected]
DeKalb County Juvenile Court examined the accountability of teens and their driving behaviors and determined that youth needed to take more responsibility for their actions. As a result, Traffic Court began offering a program in which teens participate for a reduced fine. There are several components to the program: 1) Youth must attend and provide certificate of completion to a Defensive Driving course 2) Youth must complete 10 hours of community service (approved by the court) 3) Youth must submit an essay on what has led them to the court process, what their experience was like, and how it will affect their future decisions. Upon completion of the program, the youth shall have no points assessed to their license and their fine will be reduced.
For more information contact Rolando Foster, JPA at 404-294-2719 or [email protected]
Teen Court is a community-based alternative to informally redirect youthful offenders by imposing logical and just consequences by their peers; foster an opportunity for teen volunteers to engage in civic responsibility and community involvement; and, promote greater exposure to the judicial system model.
Youth Eligibility: Youth who have committed a first-time misdemeanor offense in DeKalb County and between the ages of 13 to 17 years old
Volunteer Eligibility: Rising juniors and seniors, recommendation by school/counselor, permission of parent/guardian, completion of application packet, interview, orientation and training, and ability to commit to program dates
Services Provided: Provide an overview of the criminal justice system and volunteer hours
For more information contact Rolando Foster, JPA at 404-294-2719 or [email protected]
The Youth Diversion Program’s purpose is to provide a community-based alternative to the formal court process in which first time misdemeanor offenders will be held accountable and make citizens aware of the needs of youth in their community and to encourage them through training and support to address those needs.
The primary objectives of YDP are to:
- Provide youth accountability for their actions
- Divert youth from further involvement within the juvenile justice system
- Educate youth on the impact their actions have on themselves and other (i.e., victims and the community)
- Build programs that directly respond to the community’s issues of disorder, crime and violence
For more information, contact Valencia Breedlove, JPA at 404-294-2141 or [email protected]
Students who are accepted into the GED Program have expressed a desire to fulfill their secondary education requirements and obtain their diploma. Due to internal and external circumstances, the traditional school setting may not be the proper setting for some students. DeKalb County Juvenile Court’s GED Program is designed to provide readiness and support for youth ages 16-18 in hopes of completing their high school education and achieving their goal of obtaining their secondary credentials.
DeKalb County Juvenile Court have GED Support classes are held Monday-Thursday from 9am-1pm.
Requirements of GED are to:
- For court youth- a referral must be submitted to the Juvenile Program Administrator assigned to the program.
- For youth not in the juvenile system an application must be submitted to the Juvenile Program Administrator.
- Youth must submit their school withdrawal letter/forms from the last school attended.
- A picture ID must be submitted.
- Youth must complete the TABE test so that their instructional needs may be evaluated.
- Youth must meet with Program Administrator or designee and agree to the terms of the GED program.
For more information contact Mitchell Burley, JPA at 404-294-2477 or [email protected].
YCC (Youth Creating Change)/YouthBuild is a community based alternative education program for at-risk youth ages 16-24 which seeks to provide skills, education, work experience, and technical certifications to assist youth in becoming productive members of the community.
Admission Criteria:
- Youth ages of 16-24
- Must reside in DeKalb County
- Must have at least one of the following barriers:
- Youth who have left high school without a diploma
- Youth who have come in contact with the juvenile or adult criminal justice systems
- Youth aging out-of-foster care
- Youth with disabilities and migrant farmworkers
Services Provided: One-on-one Case Management, GED prep courses, testing and placement, mentoring, job readiness including career exploration, financial literacy, and interview techniques, occupational/vocational skills training, and job placement.
For more information, contact Nathaniel R. Jones, JPA at 404-294-2414 or [email protected]
Programs include various court-ordered programs that address the needs of juveniles who come in contact with the court including truancy, anger management, life skills, sex education, health and wellness, substance abuse, and theft. Some of the core programs offered are listed below.
Aggression Replacement Training (ART) is a researched-based approach for working with challenging youth who have displayed anger management issues.
- Eligibility: Male and Female youth 10-16 years old and has displayed some issues dealing with anger.
- Services Provided: Re-direction of anger, self-reflection, and conflict resolution skills.
C.H.I.N.S. (Children in Need of Services) – Targets male and female youth and provides services to assist parents in redirecting their youth through services provided.
- Eligibility: Male and Female youth 10-17 years old and identified at risk by DeKalb County Schools
- Services Provided: 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens, Parenting program, Group with youth and parents
Thinking for a Change was developed by the National Institute of Corrections that focuses on cognitive restructuring, social skills development, and problem solving.
- Eligibility: Male or female, Delinquent charge, 13-17 years old; ability to read and understand concepts
- Services Provided: Cognitive based learning-learning how to think differently and problem solving that integrates both cognitive restructuring and social skills interventions.
For more information, contact Valencia Breedlove, JPA at 404-294-2141 or [email protected]